Young Red Sox Fan Throws Foul Ball Back Onto Field

During a Father’s Day game at Fenway Park on Saturday, a foul ball got hit into the stands, which was then handed over to a little boy who was sitting with his dad and older brother.

The exciting moment quickly soured, though, when the youngster threw the ball back onto the field!  Understandably, the older brother was instantly upset, and the dad has one of those parenting conundrum moments where we’re sure he’s likely bummed to have lost out on the ball too, but also has to to quickly hug the younger son, while also trying to console the older one.

Luckily, one of the Red Sox broadcasting crew went up into the stands to interview the family and give them some cool merch and other goodies, including autographed balls for the boys with “Nice throw, kid!” written on the youngest one’s.